Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Goodbye Post

Just a week left!! yes after that my summer Vacations start! I confess I still do have the enthusiasm of a 10 year old about summer breaks. The good thing is I get to go to my family, my hometown and my friends.I would miss all my friends here too, but the feeling of freedom and traveling is so rejuvenating that i cant stop thinking about it.!! This post is especially dedicated to all my friends here that i would miss you all a lot!!!

A sole Treaching Saga

Admist all the time crunch and project submissions reading Khalid Hosseini  debut novel was a welcome change. It is a poignant saga of  the lives of  two Afghan children articulately different in all aspects with a childhood drowned amidst  a rigid caste system, love, betrayal, relationships and fantasy. The author’s reference to picturesque locations and intense situations catches the imagination of the readers.
Afghanistan’s transformation from an abode of culture and heritage in the 1970s to Taliban’s gory battleground in the 1990s makes us think about the consequences of power play.  The brunt of  a  rat race for retention and acquisition of power is faced by the poor, the unprivileged and the neglected. Guided by arrogance which is approved as a hallmark of the superior caste, Amir’s betrayal creates a void in him. In an alien land in the future it is this scar of disloyalty which during introspection brings him back to his homeland, torn amidst the atrocities of the oppressors and a constant cry for freedom. This makes us delve into our own pasts where a second chance of self redemption is all we ask for. On the other hand the author portrays Hassan with a life of only odds, as an ultimate epitome of sacrifice, loyalty and magnanimity. The dearth of such noble souls now, is rather disheartening.
The title of the novel aptly and beautifully retains the essence of the story of Hassan the kite runner and Amir the bearer of all brightly flying opportunities. However the author too justifies the dilemma of an adult Amir too who leaves behind the comforts of a luxurious life to redeem his tainted soul. Simple words and a moving storyline make this novel a complete favorite. The unique friendship between the two makes the tragedy befalling on Hassan even more powerful.
However sarcastic, manipulative and pessimistic the novel may seem, it also ends on a positive note ,where the author revives the hope of a future free of oppression and anarchism rightfully justifying  the words of  P.B. Shelly, “if winter is here can spring be far behind?”

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Innovation Vs. Security

Dwelling upon the intricacies of the human mind, I was caught within one streak of my introspection. What drives some people to come out from the cocoon of social and financial security and risk themselves with a new idea? Is it money, independence or the sense of individualism that acts as the ultimate mantra? Indeed today a new idea is utmost appreciated by the intellectual monarchs as well as the mindless sheep who smiles at the newly arrived toy. The whole concept of starting something new is nothing but changing useless things to something useful. Pioneering an idea is not rocket science but overcoming the security that a secure job provides is indeed considered to be a step forward.  Recently reading about the Young Indian Entrepreneur Conclave 2010 I got a new dimension to my dilemma. Instead of fostering a new idea one could blend things already available to make it marketable. John walker did not create something new but blended the right proportions of ingredients to get one of the best scotch available. The right time with the right attitude is what I think is most important which makes all the difference.